Live Engraving & the Power of In-Person Connection

I’ll be the first to admit—I love sharing live engraving videos and final products on Instagram, but virtual interactions cannot replicate the genuine personal connections that happen during live engraving for brands on-site.

While digital marketing and social media undoubtedly offer reach, convenience, and even entertainment to your audience, it often lacks the depth and authenticity of in-person connections. 

Calligraphy and engraver for live events and brand activation to write pretty lettering or etch into glass bottles

I believe in the power of live events to foster meaningful connections and leave a lasting impression on guests, and I’m not alone. According to Bizzabo, over 80% of event marketers identify in-person events as their organization’s most impactful marketing channel.

👀 That same article also states,

96% of event marketers don’t believe that virtual events will ever replace in-person experiences.

With endless digital noise, online tactics fall short when it comes to fostering genuine connections with those around us.

As a live engraving artist who grew up at family gatherings, social events, and days full of “y’all stop by,” I know the significance of face-to-face interactions for building authentic relationships.

🙅🏼‍♀️ No southern hostess would say “let’s meet on Zoom.” We pull up a chair, pour some sweet tea, and invite people into our space.

There’s an inherent ✨magic✨ that comes with sharing physical spaces, exchanging stories, and creating memories in real time. Explore the 5 ways that live engraving brings people together and builds a story around your brand.


1. Genuine Personal Connections

One of the most significant advantages of hosting live engraving events is the opportunity to provide genuine personal connections. Unlike virtual gatherings where interactions are confined to screens, live engraving events allow guests to mingle, engage in meaningful conversations, and forge deeper relationships. 

So, how does it work?

  • Customers engage with store associates while shopping.
  • Associates and event marketing materials share that shoppers receive an additional offer with their purchase (complimentary engraving with purchase)
  • Customers bring items to me for live engraving – they are entertained watching the personalization happen in front of them
  • I answer questions, engage with shoppers, and provide a beautiful custom product for them to take home
  • Want to know more? See my Engraving FAQ for more information.

On multiple occasions, I have seen the same shoppers across different events. A bride who purchased a custom engraved perfume bottle during a Christmas event returned for a Valentine’s activation to tell me about her recent wedding!


2. Brand Awareness and Exposure 

In-person events offer a unique opportunity for brands to showcase their products or services in a tangible and immersive way. Rather than relying solely on digital or print ads, guests can experience the brand firsthand, interact with products, and gain a deeper understanding of what sets it apart.

Live engraving is not only for luxury brands and beauty events.

Discover 10 items that are perfect for live engraving:

  • Metal tumblers
  • Champagne glasses
  • Perfume & cologne bottles
  • Cosmetics
  • Ornaments
  • Glass water bottles
  • Metal charging banks (& many tech accessories)
  • Wine and liquor bottles
  • Ceramic mugs
  • Metal tools & hardware

Live engraving is about in-person connections and building brand loyalty, which is why it fits all industries and events from sports and entertainment to tech and trade shows.

Check out my list of industry-specific ideas for live event personalization.


3. Tangible Takeaways

No need to come back and pick up personalized items the next day. Guests receive their custom engraved items on the spot.

The almost instant turnaround is one of the most compelling aspects of live engraving. Efficient and proven techniques allow me to personalize items on-site so guests can take them home.

🛍️ It serves as a physical reminder of their experience with your brand.

Guests choose what type of personalization they want on their items: names, dates, quotes, floral illustrations, or anything to make their item feel special.

These meaningful tangible takeaways not only reinforce brand loyalty but also serve as powerful marketing tools that extend the brand's reach beyond the event itself.


4. Convert Shoppers to Loyal Customers

Cha ching. Live engraving at brand activations, sometimes called experiential marketing, drives not only engagement but also sales. 

Another eye opening stat? 65% of brands report a significant increase in sales and revenue due to event marketing (Bizzabo).

By offering live engraving services at events, brands have the opportunity to convert potential shoppers into loyal customers. The added value of personalization through live engraving incentivizes guests to make a purchase, often leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

Moreover, by consistently offering live engraving services during holidays and special events, brands can cultivate a sense of exclusivity and urgency, encouraging guests to take action and make a purchase during specific events and timeframes.

P.S. Holidays book faster than any other dates! Reach out 3-4 months in advance if you want to secure live engraving for holidays.


5. Competitive Advantage

Now is the best time to take your brand to new heights while competitors are slow to adopt live event marketing.

In today's competitive marketplace, brands must go above and beyond traditional marketing approaches to stand out from the crowd. Investing in physical events not only sets a brand apart but also demonstrates a commitment to customer engagement and satisfaction. 

Harness the Power of Live Engraving at Your Next Event

The power of in-person connection reaches beyond the digital meet-ups and virtual connections. By prioritizing in-person connections and memorable experiences, brands can create a competitive advantage that resonates with guests and fosters long-term brand loyalty.  

Beyond the tangible exchanges and increased sales, live events bring people together and create memorable experiences that are often lost in virtual communication. From the warmth of a handshake to the sincerity of a smile (and don’t forget the custom engraving), live engraving artists help build trust and loyalty in ways that digital channels cannot match.

I believe in harnessing the power of in-person connections to transform your brand events. Submit an inquiry today to learn more about live engraving for your next event.